Fire Check (India)

Our range of products are:

ISI Marked Manual and Automatic Fire Extinguishers, Refilling of various types and capacities of Fire Extinguishers, Fire Fighting Equipments and Accessories vis. Fire Hydrants, Delivery Couplings, Branch Pipes, Suction Strainers, Fireman Axe, Ceiling Hooks, Fire Beaters, Collecting Heads, ISI Fire Hose-CP & RRL, ISI AFFF Foam Compound, Fire Retardant Doors, Breathing Apparatus, Gas Mask, Resuscitator and Respirators, Installation and Erection of Automatic Fire Hydrant and Fire Detection Systems.

We are the largest stockist for Sprinkler, Heat, Smoke, Optical Detectors. We also have Fire Detection Panel, Manual Call Points, Response Indicator, Hooters and Siren.